How to Handle Needles and Sharps in the Workplace

Hand in a blue glove holding syringe on a blue background

How to Properly Handle Needles and Sharps in the Workplace

As a medical professional, it is important to understand and follow all workplace protocols, and often the handling of sharps and needles falls at the top of the list. Sharps are any tool used to cut or penetrate the skin, such as scalpels and needles. Understanding the safe handling and disposal of these objects is essential to preventing accidental sticks and cuts. Read on to review the proper handling and disposal protocols. ITC Medical is proud to support the medical professionals in the San Francisco area and offer medical solutions for customers, as well.

Be Prepared for Using Sharps

Before you begin any procedure that utilizes needles or sharps, make sure your space is prepared for the use and disposal of them. You should have access to alcohol swabs, gauze, bandages, and a nearby sharps container.

You should also know what type of needle or sharp you are working with. Does it have a protective device you can utilize after use, like a needle shield? Knowing exactly how each tool works is a great way to reduce the risk of an accidental puncture.

Using Needles or Sharps

Once you are familiar with the tool you are about to use, you are ready to begin the procedure! Keep the sharp end of the tool pointed away from you and other people and never alter the tool by bending or recapping (unless it is reusable). You should announce the use of sharps to those around you as you pick it up, use it, and set it down. Alerting your steps will decrease the chance of accidentally puncturing someone nearby because they will be aware of your movements! It is also good practice to announce it so you stay focused on the task at hand and following the proper steps during use.

Dispose of Sharps and Needles Properly

Every facility should have adequate sharps containers available for proper disposal. Before placing the object in the container, you should check that the container is not more than two-thirds full. If it is, you should remove it so it can be replaced. After making sure the container has enough space, make sure your needle or sharp is properly covered and place it into the container. The needle or sharp should fit completely within the container. If a different object has not been properly disposed of and you can see it sticking outside of the container, you should not use your fingers to attempt correct disposal! Have the container replaced or contact a certified individual to correctly dispose of the needle or sharps.

Also, your sharps container should be at eye level and within your reach during disposal. If you find an uncovered object, it can be safe to dispose of only if you can grab the non-sharp end. If you are unable to do this, you should grasp the object with tongs for disposal.

Know What To Do If an Accidental Prick or Cut Occurs

Your workplace should have a specified protocol in place if you were to accidentally be punctured or cut with a used needle or sharp. It is extremely important to follow these guidelines and report any occurrences, no matter if it occurred between two people or only one person.

Knowing how to properly handle needles and sharps will make for a safer work space. If you have any additional questions or would like to connect with us, ITC Medical would love to visit with you at our San Francisco locations!

Contact ITC Medical

Please feel free to contact us or stop in today for all your medical needs. Call us at (415) 387-7100 or contact us below.